• Medellin Tram, Colombia

  • Pajares Tunnel, High Speed Rail

  • Bajio Cogeneration Plant, Mexico

About Us

Since 1990 we have been developing innovative services in different branches of engineering and consultancy, through a multidisciplinary team and working jointly with strategic allies and technological organisations.

Our main field of work is public and private infrastructures, where we have achieved the highest technical level, earning the trust of large construction companies and major public organisations involved in the sector. We are currently expanding in the energy and industrial sector, tied in with designing associated public works, and we are continuing to develop successful risk assessm.

Activity areas

Obras subterráneas, geotecnia y minería
Underground works, geotechnics and mining
Consultoría, gestión de riesgos y medioambiente
Risk management and enviromental
Industria, energía y gestión del agua
Industry, energy and water resources
Urbanismo y edificación
Land development and buildings